
The University of Barcelona, winner of Essity’s Global University Challenge

The University of Barcelona has won the Global University Challenge 2017 in the category of Engineering, competing with 86 teams from 14 universities from around the world. This competition, organized by Essity, challenges students to create innovative solutions in the field of Engineering and Marketing, related to the hygiene and health products the company sells.

The team Módul, formed by the student from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UB Olga Casanova, Gisela Cruz, Khadija El Aadmi and María Tovar, won the competition thanks to an innovative nappy packaging. Also, the team AMC from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, as well as Quesonia, from UB, were finalists in this category.

In particular, the awarded design is a packing solution for nappies that allows the storage of 30 units in a packaging which uses the maximum space, thanks to a design based on the same brand of the nappies, which are larger on the lower side than the upper one. Moreover, it is made with recyclable materials while it keeps the safety and hygiene of the product. Its appealing design, moreover, makes it appropriate for other uses (storing other objects).

The FBG contacted the team of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UB with the company Essity in order to promote their participation in University Challenge.

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