

i4KIDS-EUROPE Hospital Challenge Programme 2024


The paediatric innovation hub @i4KIDS and i4KIDS-EUROPE, coordinated by Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, are launching a new open call for startups, innovation professionals, and companies focused on developing innovative solutions for the following unmet needs in European paediatric hospitals:

– Improving clinical workflows to reduce the administrative burden on clinicians.

– Monitoring high-risk medications and ensuring safe medication practices for paediatric patients.

– Appointment efficiency to minimise missed appointments and improve patient outcomes.

If you are an established company with a technology-based project (TRL 7 or higher) that can address any of these challenges, submit your application by 11 August 2024.

Selected projects will compete at the Pediatric Innovation Day in Riga on 27 September 2024, and the winner will have the opportunity to start a pilot project in one of the i4KIDSEUROPE hospitals.

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